Період реалізації проєкту: 2023–2026 роки./ Project implementation period: 2023–2026.
Мета проєкту: поглиблення та систематизація знань про принципи впровадження Європейської зеленої угоди в аграрному секторі України, їх поширення серед цільових груп користувачів з метою формування у них усвідомлення європейських стандартів та цінностей сталого розвитку в контексті інтеграції України в ЄС.
The general goal of the project is to deepen and systematize knowledge about the principles of implementing the European Green Deal in agriculture of Ukraine, their dissemination among target groups of users with the aim of forming their awareness of European standards and values for sustainable development in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the EU. The work of the project team will be aimed at consolidating the efforts of the academic, scientific, business community, state authorities and members of civil society in order to organize an effective dialogue between them with the aim of using European practices for the implementation of the Green Deal in agriculture under conditions of challenges facing Ukraine in the war period, and those that will arise in the post-war period.
Цілі проєкту:
The specific goals of the project are:
– creation of an educational environment for spreading knowledge about the use of European practices of implementing green principles in the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine with the aim of forming a new way of thinking aimed at sustainable development and ensuring food security;
– conducting scientific research on the development of green agriculture in the EU and disseminating their results in the scientific, academic, business and public environment with the aim of implementing it into the practice of Ukraine;
– involvement of representatives of interested parties (business, regional and local authorities, rural territorial communities, civil society) in the promotion of European values of agricultural development on the basis of the Green Deal in the practice of Ukraine;
– promoting the ideas of the European Green Deal in agriculture through informing representatives of target groups and creating a network of change agents.
Методологія проєкту включає:
The project methodology includes:
– modernization of educational programs and teaching methods;
– implementation of the research component through the introduction of European green practices in agriculture and their improvement in the Ukrainian realities of the war and post-war period;
– activation and strengthening of the ability to form an innovative educational and scientific space;
– popularization of green agriculture by renewing educational and scientific content on digital platforms. The work of the project team is aimed at consolidating the efforts of the academic, scientific, business community, state authorities and members of civil society in order to organize an effective dialogue between them with the aim of using European practices to implement the Green Deal in agriculture under the conditions of challenges facing Ukraine in the wartime period, and those which will arise in the post-war period. The uniqueness of the project is its multidisciplinary nature (in terms of the number of courses and the team for their teaching), which will allow stakeholders to be interested in various areas of implementation of the European Green Deal in Agriculture.
Цільові групи проєкту:
The target groups of the project are:
– students and graduate students;
– academic community; 3
– agricultural business that already works according to the principles of the European Green Deal or plans to implement it;
– representatives of civil society supporting the European Green Deal in agricultural production;
– representatives of state authorities and rural communities;
– general public.
Програма проєкту передбачає отримання таких результатів:
Results of the project for students and postgraduates:
short-term – formation and deepening of knowledge in the field of the European Green Deal in agriculture;
medium-term – increasing the competitiveness of future specialists on the labor market who are able to use the ideas and principles of the European Green Deal in their work and adhere to European environmental values.
long-term – formation of a generation of conscious Ukrainian youth with European values and an active civic position regarding their implementation in Ukrainian society.
Results of the project for the academic community:
short-term – gaining experience in teaching and scientific research in the field of European practices of implementing the Green Deal in agriculture using innovative methodical and methodological approaches;
medium-term – conveying information about the principles of the European Green Deal in the field of agriculture, the practice of its implementation in the EU and the possibilities of implementation in Ukraine to a wide range of interested users through teaching activities and publication of the results of scientific research;
long-term – expanding the educational trajectories of students and postgraduate students with educational components focused on European integration and implementation of the European Green Deal in Ukraine; deepening the interest of the academic community in scientific research in the direction of building green agriculture.
Results of the project for agrarian business:
short-term – acquisition and deepening of knowledge regarding the implementation of green agricultural production based on the principles of European values through the participation of business representatives in educational, informational and discussion events;
medium-term – implementation of the acquired knowledge in business activities with the aim of its transition to green ecological standards of production;
long-term – increasing the number of business entities working in agriculture using European quality standards that fully comply with the principles of the European Green Deal; transition to ecological principles of production of agricultural products; strengthening the role of business in the post-war green recovery.
Results of the project for representatives of civil society:
short-term – increasing the level of knowledge about the essence of the European Green Deal,
especially in terms of agriculture, the state and prospects of its implementation in Ukraine.
medium-term – strengthening the role of public organizations in the implementation of the European Green Deal through their information policy to raise public awareness of European integration processes and the importance of green ideas for the development of society;
long-term – the creation of a powerful network of civil society institutions that support Ukraine’s European integration aspirations and its movement towards the implementation of the European Green Deal, taking into account their opinions and initiatives when making decisions at the local, regional and national levels.
Project results for representatives of state authorities and rural communities
short-term – forming an information base of problematic issues that arise for stakeholders in the process of implementing the European Green Deal in the agricultural sector, with the aim of solving them at the national, regional and local levels.
medium-term – adjustment of the action plan regarding the implementation of the European Green Deal in the agricultural sector, taking into account the recommendations of scientists, businesses and public organizations; inclusion of the principles of the European Green Deal in the development strategies of rural territorial communities, which will stimulate the sustainable development of rural areas.
long-term – full implementation of Ukraine’s obligations under the Association Agreement with the EU in terms of sustainable development of agriculture, which will speed up the process of its accession to the EU; compliance with European environmental standards in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine based on the principles of the European Green Deal; development of rural areas using European practices of the Green Deal; satisfaction of ecological, social and food security of Ukraine and the world.
Project results for the general public
hort-term – formation of knowledge about the European Green Deal, awareness of its importance for
each individual and the development of society as a whole.
medium-term – increasing the level of awareness of broad segments of the population about the possibilities and prospects of the implementation of the European Green Deal, the application of European agricultural practices.
long-term – ensuring the support of the broad strata of the Ukrainian population for the implementation of the European Green Deal, the formation of public awareness regarding the use of green practices in agriculture, and the acceleration of Ukraine’s integration into the EU.
Поліський національний університет,
бульвар Старий, 7, Житомир, Житомирська область, 10008,
тел./факс: +380969641003, е-mail: egartuzt@gmail.com.